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- <?php
- /**
- * @version $Id: INSTALL.php 10381 2008-06-01 03:35:53Z pasamio $
- * @package Joomla
- * @copyright Copyright (C) 2005 - 2008 Open Source Matters. All rights reserved.
- * @license GNU/GPL, see LICENSE.php
- * Joomla! is free software. This version may have been modified pursuant
- * to the GNU General Public License, and as distributed it includes or
- * is derivative of works licensed under the GNU General Public License or
- * other free or open source software licenses.
- * See COPYRIGHT.php for copyright notices and details.
- */
- // no direct access
- defined( '_JEXEC' ) or die( 'Restricted access' );
- ?>
- ------------
- First you must have the base environment for Joomla.
- We have thoroughly tested Joomla! on: Linux, Free BSD, Mac OS X and Windows NT/2000.
- Linux or one of the BSD's are recommended, but anything else that can run the
- 3 pieces of software listed below should do it.
- Apache -> http://www.apache.org
- MySQL -> http://www.mysql.com
- PHP -> http://www.php.net
- --------------------
- You MUST ensure that PHP has been compiled with support for MySQL and Zlib
- in order to successfully run Joomla.
- While we have reports that Joomla! works on IIS server we recommend Apache
- for running Joomla! on Windows.
- -------------------
- If you want support for SEF (Search Engine Friendly) URLs, you'll need mod_rewrite and the ability to
- use local .htaccess files.
- ------------
- 1. DOWNLOAD Joomla
- You can obtain the latest Joomla! release from:
- http://www.joomla.org
- Copy the tar.gz file into a working directory e.g.
- $ cp JoomlaVx.x.x-Stable.tar.gz /tmp/Joomla
- Change to the working directory e.g.
- $ cd /tmp/Joomla
- Extract the files e.g.
- $ tar -zxvf JoomlaVx.x.x-Stable.tar.gz
- This will extract all Joomla! files and directories. Move the contents
- of that directory into a directory within your web server's document
- root or your public HTML directory e.g.
- $ mv /tmp/Joomla/* /var/www/html
- Alternatively if you downloaded the file to your computer and unpacked
- it locally use a FTP program to upload all files to your server.
- Make sure all PHP, HTML, CSS and JS files are sent in ASCII mode and
- image files (GIF, JPG, PNG) in BINARY mode.
- Joomla! will currently only work with MySQL. In the following examples,
- "db_user" is an example MySQL user which has the CREATE and GRANT
- privileges. You will need to use the appropriate user name for your
- system.
- First, you must create a new database for your Joomla! site e.g.
- $ mysqladmin -u db_user -p create Joomla
- MySQL will prompt for the 'db_user' database password and then create
- the initial database files. Next you must login and set the access
- database rights e.g.
- $ mysql -u db_user -p
- Again, you will be asked for the 'db_user' database password. At the
- MySQL prompt, enter following command:
- TO nobody@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'password';
- where:
- 'Joomla' is the name of your database
- 'nobody@localhost' is the userid of your webserver MySQL account
- 'password' is the password required to log in as the MySQL user
- If successful, MySQL will reply with
- Query OK, 0 rows affected
- to activate the new permissions you must enter the command
- flush privileges;
- and then enter '\q' to exit MySQL.
- Alternatively you can use your web control panel or phpMyAdmin to
- create a database for Joomla.
- Finally point your web browser to http://www.mysite.com where the Joomla! web
- based installer will guide you through the rest of the installation.
- 4. CONFIGURE Joomla
- You can now launch your browser and point it to your Joomla! site e.g.
- http://www.mysite.com -> Main Site
- http://www.mysite.com/administrator -> Admin
- You can log into Admin using the username 'admin' along with the
- password that was generated or you chose during the web based install.
- ----------------------
- Upon a new installation, your JoomlaS website defaults to a very basic
- configuration with only a few active components, modules and templates
- (CMTs).
- Use Admin to install and configure additional CMTs, add users, select
- default language and much more.
- Note that additional community-contributed CMTs and languages are
- available via http://www.joomla.org